
Male Wolfdog

Born April 28th, 2019 in Missouri

Arrived at Mission: Wolf on June 11th, 2023

Lives with Maeve

Did you know? It takes $3,000 a year just to feed and care for one of the wolves. By giving $5 or more a month, you can take Faelen to dinner by becoming a Wolf Caretaker.

Faelen’s Story

Faelen is a black-phase male Wolfdog, named after the old Irish word meaning “little wolf.” For his first 4 years of life, Faelen lived with a loving family and experienced an active and varied lifestyle. As a puppy and young adult, Faelen was a very calm and easygoing Wolfdog. He traveled through many western states and participated in educational programs for the California Science Center, UC Berkeley, and others. Upon maturity, he became markedly more intense, shy, and selective about human company.

This dramatically altered his and his human’s lifestyle, and he enjoyed more secluded adventures from then on. When Faelen was 2, he welcomed in and helped raise his adopted sister, a young female Wolfdog named Maeve. Faelen adored being a “parent,” and was always gentle and tolerant with her. He helped to show Maeve the world and benefited greatly from her innately outgoing and confident nature.

In 2023, Faelen came to Mission: Wolf alongside Maeve and his devoted human caretaker, our staff member Moira. Faelen now lives with Maeve in an enclosure adjacent to the 20-acre playpen. Both are adjusting gracefully to the refuge, and love going on walks and exploring the playpen together.

Faelen is extremely bonded to “his” human Moira and loves receiving attention from her every day. While he can be selective about strangers, he continues to meet and bond with new people here at Mission: Wolf. We are excited to see Faelen continue to come out of his shell and enjoy life at the refuge with his family.